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Monday, November 22, 2010
Buyer’s Guide to Xbox 360 Vol. 01
The other night I was asked by a friend about the Xbox 360 because he’s about to buy them.
Well “Mamo” here’s what I can offer you all about The Box and its differences here in KSA.
First off, you have to know enough knowledge on what you are buying so to begin here’s a brief history about the box.
It was first presented in 2005 in the United States of America and went worldwide, back then, the only major drawback of the device was the Red Ring Of Death also known as RROD.
How it happens?
Well this is how it goes, the on switch button will lit 3 quadrants of the ring in red color and from that, your box will no longer operate any games as well as accessing the dashboard.
Why it happens?
It usually happens by several reasons within the system’s hardware components. It could be overheating, core processor issue or video card malfunctions.
Fortunately, Microsoft has been kind enough to take actions on fixing the problem since its date of release; it wasn’t later after almost 3 years that they have stabilized the situation and brought better solutions in preventing it to appear on later releases. Although consumers who had their devices bought from release date till 2008 were granted a 3 year warranty in case if the RROD appears.
As a proof, I bought my Xbox 360 Pro in March 2008 and I still didn’t have an RROD. So it seems that the later devices will work better knowing so.
Types of Boxes
Now that we dealt with the technical concerns (which it used to be my major fear on the console), we’ll get to the different types of Xbox 360 models which usually are in the KSA market.
First off we have the Arcade edition; this is the most affordable out there. It includes a standard white wireless controller (rechargeable battery not included), an adaptor, 2 games and AV cable and a headset. However, hard drive is not included. (Currently ranging between 700 to 800 SAR)
Second, Pro Edition, this includes a standard white wireless controller, an adaptor, 2 games (I got Kung Fu Panda and Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures), AV Cable, headset and a 60 gig hard drive. Currently the price range between 800 to 900 SAR.
Third, Elite Edition, among the previous mentioned boxes that comes in white colored consoles, this baby comes in black form and includes a black wireless controller, an adaptor, 2 games, AV Cable, headset and a 120 gig hard drive. Currently the price range between 900 to 1000 SAR.
Forth, Super Elite, they only come in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 or Final Fantasy 13 editions. Limited numbers only so if you get lucky you’re in for a treat on this one. The FF13 comes in white colored console, includes 250 gig hard drive, 2 white wireless controller, black headset, one month Xbox live (XBL) membership subscription, adaptor, HDMI cable, Final Fantasy 13 game, Chocobo avatar pet, exclusive avatar costumes (Roche and Nabaat) and a faceplate of Lightning for the console.
COD: Modern Warfare 2 includes, Black console with MW2 faceplate, 250 gig hard drive, 2 black wireless controllers, black wired headset, adaptor, Ethernet cable, 1 month gold membership in XBL, 1 month trial in Netflix. Current price range is around 1200 to 1300 SAR.
(So the bottom line is their main perk is the 250 gig hard drive)
Fifth, the S model also known as the Slim (Current version), this was released this year with major makeover (which I will include it on a different article). This new device will include a glossy black console, 250 gig hard drive, black wireless controller, black head set, AV cable, one month XBL gold membership, 1 year Limited Express Warranty. Current price range around 1600 to 1700 SAR.
Other consoles…?
Yeah, for standards, this country only offers PAL systems due to some global regional control issues also known as Regional lockout. Other systems like NTSCJ and NTSC are sold on selective shops like Eagle Software or Computer House to name a few and they can be a bit expensive than PAL boxes and with no warranties. While Jarir bookstore sells only PAL games, other shops tend to sell NTSC and NTSCJ games for special reasons. But if you’re in luck, some games can be region free like HALO game or Assassin’s Creed games to name a few.
So which one should I buy?
It only depends on how much you can afford at the moment; seriously, you should not rush in buying them all at once if you can’t afford them. Take Arcade edition for example, go buy that first and whenever you’re ready to buy the hard drive or an HDMI cable for some modifications then go for it. Be advised though that the free games included are usually standard selections and if you know how to bargain or make a deal with the retailer then good luck.
So about the Xbox Live….
This is where the console specializes; simply I can say is it’s a colorful and fun place. You can edit your avatar, watch videos and connect friends who also have Xbox live account, play with people online, download game demos, access facebook and twitter and interact friends with chatting and playing and many more. There are two types of membership and they are Silver and Gold and the only differences between them are that Silver doesn’t provide an online multiplayer mode and it’s free. Gold on the other hand allows you to play online multiplayer mode and participate on special events and even win in XBL but will cost some money for subscription. Current price for Gold membership range 200 to 250 SAR.
What about Xbox Live Arcade?
Aside from retail games, there are games that sold in Xbox Live Arcade (XBLA), some are new ones and some are back in the old school times. In addition to XBLA games, they also have previous Xbox 360 games and old Xbox title for a reduced price. They can be bought by Microsoft Points (MS Points) which can be bought in stores or via credit cards depending on how much MS Points you want to you buy. Current prices are 120 SAR 1600 MS Points & 190 to 210 SAR for 3000 MS Points.
What are suitable accessories you can recommend?
First of I have to recommend buying a rechargeable battery for your controller, playing numerous hours might cost you money buying AAs in a month when you can save it for buying a rechargeable one that will last for several years. If you’re an avid on typing messages, check the Messenger kit, the keyboard will come very handy. HDMI Cable, better on the eye? Sure why not?! So if you want better viewing, connect your console on monitors or TVs. These accessories won’t cost more than 100 SAR each so it’s really a nice price for better innovation. However, among the most important accessories that cost more than 100 SAR is the Detachable Hard Drive, now if you bought an Arcade version, I would highly advise to get this one and the higher capacity the better (suppose 120 or 250 gig hard drive).
Estimated price are between 300 to 600 SAR.
So “Mamo” I hope you’ve got enough info on this. For more info and questions please do let me know.
Happy gaming people!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Review: Alan Wake Collector’s Edition
Monday, July 5, 2010 Ultimate Alliance 2 DLC Back by Popular Demand News Release
For those who's a fan of Marvel and this game, do not miss this limited chance and get them while they're in stores.
A hack 'n' slash game with Diablo type and online gameplay that should not be missed.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Marvel vs Capcom 3 E3 Gameplay Footage
Guys post your comments ^^. I'm liking Dante's sick movies and Deadpool's Character. He reminds me of Spiderman from previous titles
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
E3 2010
Game developers will show their lineups and battle it out on which has the better offer. Based mostly on IGN’s article “IGN E3 predictions”, I posted some keynotes which I think will be the spotlight on the Expo.
So to start off
XBOX 360:
During the last year’s announcement of “Project Natal”, it’s been the main event for Microsoft. With some mentioned games and also 3rd party companies with their releases on the system. Questions arise like, how will you play a motion controller without a motion controller? Or how can it sense your voice and body movement by not holding or wearing any instrument? Or whether it will balance the comfortable use for casual and hardcore XBOX 360 users? Or will it be a scientific breakthrough on gaming? It’s a very promising and intriguing functionality and I hope at E3 most of these questions will be cleared. And if I’m not mistaken MS will also sell some Natal at the Expo? (Oh how I wish I could get one by now).
Other than that, exclusives titles will be revealed a bit and to name a few Fable III, Gears of War 3 and Halo Reach.
Sony Play Station:
If MS has Project Natal, Sony has “Play Station Move”. Unfortunately the function does not look any new for most and tend to be compared with wii’s motion control to the next generation calling it as “Wii HD”. Critics were pretty harsh on the PS Move. However, at E3, its Sony’s 1st real chance to prove that their product is worth it.
Sony will also be presenting 3D Gaming. I went like “Really? Playing with those 3D glasses on?” well they’ll try their best to make you want this one too, but then again I wonder how will they charm the audience on this, lets hope for a good show for Sony.
To name a few of their exclusive titles are Killzone 3, Little Big Planet 2 and God of War: Ghost of Sparta.
Setting aside from the next gen consoles, Nintendo never fails to charm the crowd with their surprises. It’s PS3 vs. XBOX 360, but Wii did not choose itself to battle it out against the giants and still surpass its sales almost in every category. By doing this, surprisingly found itself smooth sailing on its own world by presenting us innovation and family oriented products. After the perfect score of Mario Galaxy 2, it would be unpredictable how will they wow us again on this year’s E3. In their portable section however, a new DSi-compatible handheld is at hand and its called 3DS. 3DS features a stereoscopic 3D but without the need for glasses. I’m so curious how will this attract audience, but it pulls dose, I’ll expect another triumphant for their handhelds for another couple of years ahead.
My game lineups are:
Call of Duty: Black Ops, Brink, Fallout: New Vegas, Marvel vs. Capcom 3: fate of Two Worlds, Crysis 2, Dead space 2, Madden NFL 11, Medal of Honor, Castlevania: Lords of Shadows, Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, Rocket Knight, Fable III, Gears of War III, Vanquish, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Final Fantasy XIV, Grand Turismo 5, Infamous 2, Killzone 3, LittleBigPlanet 2, Warhammer 40,000 Online, Assasin's Creed: Brotherhood, Shaun White Skateboarding, Golden Sun DS, Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals, Batman: Arkham Asylum 2 and F.E.A.R. 3.
Game lineups are a little too many to mention but check out the lineups in this link here
Hurry up guys and pick your games ^^.
Happy gaming and viewing!!!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Bayonetta review
Platinum Games (Team Little Angels)
Sega (PS3 port)
Hideki Kamiya (director)
Mari Shimazaki (character designer)
Masami Ueda
Hiroshi Yamaguchi
Rei Kondo
Akari Kaida
Erina Niwa
Norihiko Hibino
Yoshitaka Suzuki
Takahiro Izutani
Takayasu Sodeoka
PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 (BEING REVIWED ON THE PS3 VERSION)
Release date:
JP October 29, 2009
NA January 5, 2010
EU January 8, 2010
BBFC: 15
PEGI: 18
Remember when you first picked up Devil May Cry 1 and started playing it? Remember all the demon ass kicking you did, remember how awesome it felt to kick HUGE bosses in the face while being awesome and cool bout it , remember how Dante was so cool and epic? Well in Bayonetta it’s the same only x100 times more epic. I got my copy by the end of December 2009 which was leaked a week before its original release date , I was going to the shop to pick up Uncharted 2 and what ever second hand games they have. So while I was browsing through the games, I found this game with a weird cover, sexy girl posing in space and the earth is in the back ground?? . . . It took me a second till it finally hit me IT WAS Bayonetta, I picked up a copy and put in my pocket just to make sure that i have it lol. I went back home, pop the disc in and OMG @_@ all I can say is , well , I have been playing it none stop since then.
When you start the game you will notice kamiya's DMC (Devil May Cry) touch all over the menu, even the girl saying BAYONETTA like DMC when you press start. The main menus are straightforward while the in game menu a.k.a. “pause” is a little tricky. To be honest it took me a few chapters before I fully understood how to use the item and weapon menu properly, there is really no explanation to tell you how to equip or shuffle your weapons and the item menu ”continue” part was the same. Pressing "O" will get you out of sub menus but it will not exit the main menu, you will still have to press "X" to exit which was weird for me. Aside from the menu talk, Bayonetta got one of the biggest environments I saw in an action game so massive yet detailed; I liked how they made some of the “no ground environments” work. Everything flows smoothly and reacts to the action you inflict on your enemies. I liked the health and magic bars how they sparkle it really fits Bayonetta's feminine side. When I first saw the screen shots of the game (specially the wicked wave a.k.a. giant hands and foot stomp moves), I was kind of skeptical about it. I had the feeling that it will never flow right through the game and it will make some frame rate issues, but I was completely wrong as the game and battles flows like magic and you enjoy how you inflict pain to your enemies. Of course regarding the whole PS3 vs. XBOX360 frame rate issue, well, yeah the xbox version is much more stable but honestly, I played the PS3 copy and it did not really affect the fun.
Score: 9.5/10
Hmmm…the core game plays of Bayonetta is all about hack and slash at maximum level and time, what more do you need from an action?? the action is really satisfying and the amount of combos you can land on enemies is insanely big , i was surprised by how much the combos and chains you can use in this game to kill your enemies. The weapons were epic, how many games you know that has a female lead wearing guns on her high heels? Baynetta can do that and its not just guns there is a lot of weapons and different variations you can do by mixing your weapons. Depending on which weapon combination you use your whole strategy in killing enemies will change. I will not spoil anything but I like the skates :3
One of the most awesome things about Bayonetta is her Hair! What? Yes her hair, Bayonetta wears a suit made of her own hair because she is a witch and witches don’t protect people right? Well in this game they do lol.
The protagonist wears the suit not to just cover her body :3 but to also summon giant demon monsters to kill her enemies and believe me you will never be more satisfied when you kick an enemy's ass so you can behead them in a sadistic way. Bayonetta is easily the most action over the top game for the PS3 and XBOX360 at the moment
Score: 10/10
In the game, you will meet a bunch of characters that help shape up the world and story of Bayonetta, I think the design was kind of weird at first but it grows on you and believe it or not the game was designed by a woman and she said no one will know what men wants like a woman. I think that the game needed more characters but I think it was fine the way it is, every character got its own charm and they added it nicely to the story.
Score: 10/10
to sum it up , Bayonetta is a very satisfying action game and it will give you this adrenaline rush every time a battle starts or boss shows up. the game was relatively long which was nice, there is a very easy mode which will make the game approachable to anyone who is new the genre. Lots of replay value for all the weapons and bonuses to unlock. It’s a game that will always be there waiting for you to come back and kick some more ass. and as usual like every game made the guys formally known as “Clover”, their game endings is always nice and makes you sit and watch it till the end . The people who are behind it are Team Angels (sound feminine enough to be familiar?). Bayonetta is a game I think personally you should pick up if you were ever a fan of the DMC series and believe me its worth it.
Score 9.5/10
Over the top action
It feels nice to kick foes ass
Long play time
Lots of replay value
Sexy Bayonetta bonus unlocks @_@
One of the coolest OSTs that I heard in an action game
Bayonetta can be baby easy or Demon hard for the hard core players, a treat for everyone
Frame rate issue in the PS3 version
Long loading times in the PS3 "fixed in a later update"
Needed more menu and system explanation
~MAMO chan~ :3
Sunday, May 16, 2010
A chilly moment from the cold blizzard
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Review: Heavy Rain
Quantic Dream
Sony Computer Entertainment
PlayStation 3
Release date
February 2010
Interactive drama
BBFC: 15
PEGI: 18
In today’s world, there are a lot of basic game releases going on and at some point it gets a little tiring overtime to see releases with familiar gameplays weather its FPS, RPG, JRPG, SPORTS or such.
But this game I will talk about dose not fall on usual gameplay releases. And I’m talking about Heavy Rain.
A few weeks ago, I invested a huge amount of hours just to finish off this game. Before buying this game, I had two main reasons why I picked it up, 1st it was about the “nude” controversy that restricted it to launch officially here in this country and 2nd I just want to know who’s the killer. Yet getting there will give you a lot of time to devote with all the explorations around you.
In the game, you interact with your surroundings and lead you to a different scenario. You will also control four main characters with their separate scenarios and they are as follows:
Norman Jayden: An FBI agent who’s in search for the Origami killer trying to connect the dots while he uses an advanced virtual technology device called ARI as his main tool (and a pretty neat tool too) while suffering a drug addiction just to keep him focused on his work.
Scott Shelby: A retired cop who is now a private investigator hired by the parents of the victims to hunt down the Origami Killer. To add that the old timer has Asthma so he uses an inhaler.
Ethan Mars: A simple parent who lost his elder son from a traumatic accident 2 years prior to the game and currently he is searching for his second son who’s kidnapped by the Origami Killer. Mysteriously, he suffers a mental problem after the traumatic incident with his lost son that leads him to blackout and wake up in an unknown place.
Madison Paige: A photojournalist who got herself involved with Ethan Mars’s problem and conducted her own investigation to search his son. She also has trouble sleeping and ends up crashing into motels.
The first few hours of the game was so darn slow and walking controls felt a bit clunky, though I understand why at some silly situations you have to execute them. Like brushing your teeth or play with Ethan’s kids just to get the hang of the controls are just some simple in game examples. At some point it gives a critical situation where you have to make a fast decision to react on the commands just to stir the plot’s outcome and that’s where the game will determine on what type of ending you will get. It’s pretty fun to make different decisions though at some point at the end, it will give you almost the same results on who’s the killer.
It’s a pretty familiar experience which is close to where I describe as a Movie. Not too fast phased as Modern Warfare 2 or too boring and long dialogue of Assassin’s Creed. Among one of the most vital aspects were the voice acting, I can say that this game has one of the best voice acting I have seen however, some acting did not sounded as it should for noticeable regional accent that dose not represent the character’s profile. Executing actions and given environments really helps to relate.
Score: 9.5/10
Even though some character expression may look a bit awkward, they serve a good purpose and forgivable to the point of not noticing them.
“It has one of the best looking graphics out there.” Facial expressions are close to real as well as water effects and for those who’s looking forward to the human skin well all I can say is it’s close to real.
Score: 10/10
It is a very uncommon gameplay experience for me. It’s incredibly slow at first but will make you want to know what will happen next as you progress further to the story. Although some unwanted commands will make you ask why they included them in the first place or the clunky walk commands. But they are minor issues that won’t distract you from not playing it till the end.
Score: 8.5/10
Heavy Rain doesn’t come easy when we talk about similar releases out there. It’s a winner for its own genre and for those who waited for it to come. They must be happy by now.
Overtime, I understood why others really appreciate this game but in the end I’m down to say it’s not really my cup of tea. And I can say it’s a one time game for me even though there were several multiple endings in there.
Superb graphics
Good music + great environmental graphics + great voice acting = excellent execution.
Multiple endings
Slow start
Multiple endings (I didn’t have the luxury play it again when most of the games will slow you down)
Clunky walk controls
Some characters accent didn’t fit to the voice actors
At some point it feels more like a movie than a game
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Review: Blitz: The League 1 and 2
Genre(s) Sports, American football
Mode(s) Single player, multi player
Rating(s) ESRB: M
I never would have thought that one day I would get interested in a game such as American football. Some will not have the time to learn more about the game and some say it’s too complicated with too many rules and plays in just one game. But when I took a time just to get into the system, the more I play, watch games and read more about the sport the more I understand it. It’s not a typical get the ball to the opponents end and make a touch down (a goal in soccer). The rules of the game runs deep and isn’t as easy as it looks like and not too hard to understand and better yet love it if you will. In the end, it is one heck of a game for me. I have played a few football games on consoles but today I’m reviewing two titles and compare them one another. So to those who’s not a fan, read this. Those who’s interested to know about this painful but wonderful game, this is for you and to those who wants to know the difference between the two, check it out.
The first time I bought the 1st Blitz I thought of the 1999 movie “Any Given Sunday”. Has a very engaging storyline that tells a dark fictional world of American football. Both storyline weren’t related but will see some familiar players to the sequel. Personally, I would go to BTL2’s storyline arrangements and I have to give it to BTL1 for voice acting. Music selections will go to BTL1 with nice selections while BTL2 has some slight issue of genre battles (hey I like all sorts of music but it really helps if they put on a fair number of selections to the lists).
Score: BTL1 7.5 - BTL2 8 out of 10
It’s obvious that they invested a lot of time to polish those graphics on BTL2 with stunning details and flashy (or shiny sometimes) graphics than the dark and a bit outdated one from BTL1.
Score: BTL1 6.5 - BTL2 8 out of 10
The gameplay is more Arcadic than a formal Madden game. This is one of the things I really love about BTL and what makes it so special. This isn’t you’re typical clean football game. Its dirty, mean, bloody, women and fast phased action. Tackles are insane to watch especially in BTL2. Injuries are a pain and after every attempt, it shows the locations of where the player is hit and mostly broken bones. Similar things between the two are personally customizing your players by training and/or by implementing those supplements (and even illegal ones). What makes them different is BTL2 has more options like girlfriends, treating an injured player and better controls than the 1st. sponsors is included on the sequel and lets you try their product free of charge if you impressed them enough in a given match. I would say the sequel got a better justice on gameplay here. They also share a fair difficulty level so sometimes its sucks and frustrates you whenever you have difficulties on winning the game.
Score: BTL1 8 - BTL2 8.5 out of 10
Now this is another strong point for BTL. Fortunately I never been this hyped whenever I hear them cussing/cursing in the game. Unfortunately, the sequel did not deliver the same as the 1st one. Who never get pumped when a trainer/coach tells you to “wake the F*** UP!” whenever you fail an attempt? That’s BTL1 for you. But BTL2 sounded more like a silly geek was trying to be tough but failed to do so. So a big sigh on that one. But voice acting wise? I’d give it to BTL1 for their motivated words they say on each game. Sorry BTL2 you guys blew it big time on this one.
Score: BTL1 9.5 - BTL2 6 out of 10
I started to get to know more on this sport and I may say it’s really not bad after all. When you look at it its more muscles and hitting guys till they broke something but obviously it also includes mental speed, wit and testing your IQ level. BTL is actually a darker side of sport but I love it. Playing both games was a pleasure and fun too. Just to sum it up I like both BTL on their differences but it could have been a little slower and a little easier at some point because seriously I got sacked a lot on offense and fail to defend my position on defense for the first time. I thank Midway for making this game and I really do hope a new one is on its way soon because I want to try it online someday. This franchise should not die.
Score BTL1 7.5 - BTL2 8 out of 10
Arcadic and fast gameplay
Not your typical American Football
Great voice acting
Great Music selections
Great graphics
New gameplay and features
Sometimes it’s a little too hard to play.
Not much people I see playing it online (or even none)
Sometimes it runs a little too fast than your eyes can see.
It’s a little too fast
Where the heck did you get those rant from? I laugh instead of getting motivated.
Review: Prototype
Developer(s) Radical Entertainment
Publisher(s) Activision
Engine Titanium
Platform Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 (reviewing on Xbox 360)
Release date PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
June 2009
Genre(s) Action-adventure, Third person, Open world
Mode(s) Single-player
Rating(s) ESRB: M
OFLC: MA 15+
PEGI: 18+
Personally, I am not a big fan of open-world game. I do have standards of game selection and this genre isn’t my cup of tea until I hear about this game and the other one which I will make a review very soon once I tasted enough fleva for the feva of “inFamous”. This gave me game me a different feel of open world game since it’s gory, bloody and a mind-blowing moves of the character. Like from a well known similar game (grand theft auto) missions scattered throughout the area and at some point will give you choice weather you’ll be a hero or a badass mother “beep!”. Excuse my French… but this little man’s abilities makes him an upside down (not to mention crazy) protagonist. Who would think that you can travel so fast, glide, crazy melee attacks and disguising other’s flesh and clothes for some stealthy missions? Sound cool and made me think that this will be a one bad ass game of the year (2009). Who am I kidding? Lets just review this one and find out if it can live up to most of the gamer’s expectations.
It’s bloody, its gory, and engaging just to know what the heck is going on around the guy and what made him into a biological killer. However, the presentation was killed by another factor of the game that dramatically deprive from our high expectations. Although storyline is ranged from nice-to-good but not grown breaking as other good games that came at the same year so its safe on this part.
Score: 8.5/10
Surprisingly, it looked more like a high-end PS2 graphics, but I do salute the fast phased actions it has although I really wish that they worked more on it than releasing it on time.
Score: 8/10
This hurts my nuts so bad, after I invested hours of gameplay I finally gave one word description of the game. “Repetitive” as simple as that. Sure its cool running around the place and strike a pose with your small-but-terrible maneuvers but hey, it gets too boring and it warns me off so fast not to mention the feeling that you’ll be doing something similar missions that makes me say like “urgh! Again? Didn’t I just did something similar before?”. Leveling up is one good thing with so many choices to make but it gave a crack to me when I discovered that you’ll just repeat the same “1 2 3 combo” over and over to the enemies till they’re down or even till you end the game. The least thing that keeps the game alive is the story. Whenever you consume a certain person or an enemy, you’ll discover a short clips of their memories that will lead you to solve the mysteries but really, you’ll get that “repetitive” feeling sooner than later.
Score: 7.5/10
At most times of the game, the voice acting was well delivered and effects were okay. The voice acting and effect during animation was impressive enough to capture your attention to know more about the plot. So the audio was good-to-great but not enough to cover up their gamepaly flops.
Score: 8.5/10
Repetitive is the word of this game. It looks and feels badass but they failed to keep your motivation at the high level by giving you same old missions and same old killing combos over and over again. This game is for rent/borrowing and not for keeps. Not enough power to dominate GTA for sure but I do hope that whenever or if they ever make another one I would not mind to have it another look.
Score 8/10
Badass killing moves, abilities and insane roaming ability
Interesting storyline
Bloody and gory
Nice stealth mission
Repetitive will bore you
So many similar missions
~Mookie-Mookie~So many good abilities but the killing procedures are down to repetitive
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Review: inFamous
Developer(s) Sucker Punch Productions
Publisher(s) Sony Computer Entertainment
Platform PlayStation 3
Release date End of May 1st week of June 2009
Genre(s) Action-adventure, Third person, Open world
Mode(s) Single-player
Rating(s) ESRB: T
PEGI: 16
When I got into open world super hero game like Prototype, I started to find a different approach about the theme and got me interested to play it ( the open world game again). Both games was released at the same month and year and there were hot issues of which one is better than the other.
“Haha finally! One of my game picks!” I had a good vibe on this game for so long and I can’t help expressing my joy because it has passed my expectations. Comparing it to “Prototype”, it went a hundred miles further than its rival did. But as much as possible and more importantly I will talk about inFamous and will try not to derail its rival too much. Both are relatively similar but entirely different in certain aspects. So here we go.
Its not that hype but it catches on overtime. The story felt more like a super-hero-mojo run in the mill. But importantly it catches up overtime and will hook you in for another run/mission. Seriously the plot is well made and it won’t bore you much combining the flow of the given missions and tasks in the game. Well balanced and well scripted so kudos to that.
Score: 9/10
The graphics were well crafted enough not to spot a dirt on the face. Although I could not help but notice, slight pixelized shadows but generally it’s forgivable. Environment wasn’t a disappointment at all even if its just a smaller than Prototype but to add the sewers were a different breathe of element gushes your eyes with a different stir of attraction.
Score: 8.5/10
Now here’s where it got its charm the most. Open world games are crucial if the gameplay will not deliver well. Some may look like repetitive, old fashioned, or I’m-too-lazy-just-to-get-there theme from point A to point B. If these elements occur, the game will surely bore me head on. Fortunately, inFamous (surprisingly) did not let me fell into that trap and with the given flow of cut scenes and game missions; I got impressed on every bit of the detail. If someone asked me about Prototype side, the gameplay was good but the plot wasn’t strong enough to cover up its boring repetitive missions and its little overrated skills which in fact…come to think of it felt like a 1 2 3 combo “repeat just do this and that and you’ll have it done till the game is over”. But I have got to hand it to Prototype’s leveling up system where there’s more abilities than inFamous. When I said about the “1 2 3 combo”, I mean in inFamous has a challenging approach to it. AI are smart most of the times and you will feel like you have to approach them in a different angle, with the help of climbing skills (which reminds me of Assasin’s Creed by the way) it gave a humble approach that you can’t get there as easy as you think but not as hard enough no to try. Roaming the island wasn’t boring as I expected it and side missions wasn’t a hassle to do (I skipped so many side missions on Prototype because of the hefty locations and repetitiveness). Not to mention that the climbing looked so awesome like hanging on a ledge while firing electric bolts at the enemies was so cool. Leveling system though felt like a “meh” to me with limited skills. In order to get that skill you have to measure your rank either good or evil (Karma system) that leads to play this game 2 times. Hats off for this one, I’m having the time of my life here so Sucker Punch Productions you have my respect and will look forward for future releases.
Score: 9.5/10
Honestly, I didn’t liked the protagonist’s voice and the gun fire sounded (again) like a 32 bit game. However, the sounds and acting were pretty solid. In addition, the OST music was engaging enough whenever you encounter enemies so salute to that again.
Score: 8.5/10
An Open world game that has so many charms in almost every angle.
This game is solid to the end. A game such as this and an exclusive for PS3 sure made Sony happy and more importantly to the consumers. The company who made this game didn’t had much releases but when I saw this one. I felt sad that I didn’t tried their previous games “Sly series on PS2”. Surely, this one of Sony’s gem and a must buy. So go buy it guys! it’s cheaper now in the market even if you try to get 2nd hands its still worth the money. or even better... try the demo like i did before buying this gem baby.
Score 9.5/10
Humble environment for a great gameplay
Engaging plot
Not boring (surprisingly)
Cool looking climbing and roaming skills
Grinding skills are awesome specially grinding on train tracks
Some missions can be surprising the least you expect it.
There could have been more skills
There were only two types of minions in the city
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Review: Mirror’s Edge

Developer(s) EA Digital Illusions CE
Publisher(s) Electronic Arts
Engine Unreal Engine 3
Platform Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 (reviewing on Xbox 360)
Release date PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
November 2008
Genre(s) First Person, Action-adventure
Mode(s) Single-player
PEGI: 16+
USK 16
Here’s a game that I never heard of from most of my friends. The funny thing here is whenever I listen 2 or 3 of its OST I started to say “I miss Faith”. There’s something special about this game that never fails to remind me. Maybe after I review this you guys will get what I’m trying to say. I’ll sum them all up at my conclusion so here we go:
The environments are full in rich colors that gave the city a relaxing feeling to it. Not to mention the music wasn’t too lousy or too boring but just at the right tempo to any given situations and segments. Although I don’t get much of the transition between in game mode and cut scenes which were 2-D, a lot of people complained on that category but I don’t have the definitive reason to complain about. In the end, it delivered a new fresh air and a different good feeling on the other side.
Score: 8.5/10
It wasn’t a top of the line graphics but has so many rich colors of the character’s surroundings. Those colorful obstacles really help to identify your tracks on what to do and where to go.
Score: 8/10
Generally its an FPS, but for me it’s an FPS minus. Like any typical FPS, this one has its conditions. You play as a Runner and mostly you run and the game is design not to use guns too much. Well if you’d like to shoot minions its your choice but the downside is that it will only slow your phase down. Taking down enemies by disarming and hitting them is a go. You basically run (duh), jump from one buildings and obstacles to another but much faster than Lara Croft’s Tomb Raider. In addition, it’s a trail and error game, whenever you fail from your attempts you will restart to the last checkpoint and make it right. For those who has trouble playing FPS should better not play this one because you’ll definitely get motion sickness. Time trials are addicting just to beat your own or other online peoples'best time. They could have done more like multiplayer mode like passing documents to another friend or racing against each other to the finish line. But hopefully will open some possibilities in the future.
Score: 9/10
Yeah the music as I said before is precise. The sound effects were not bad even though the gunfire sounded like a 32-bit game and the voice acting was okay but not as engaging.
Score: 7.0/10
“A breath of fresh air, free your mind and fly as you run freely by living in the edge” haha I feel so light whenever I play this game and its where I got my motto “Edge of Faith, with love and respect”. No matter how long it has been for me with this game. It doesn’t fail to make me miss it from time to time. Many praised this game and I am one of them, I just hope that when the sequel comes down, online multiplayer will go extra mile if they include it.
Score 8/10
A different feeling.
Original gameplay.
Calm environments at most.
Addicting time trial modes.
Trial and error.
Sometimes you get stuck on a puzzling place for a bit long.
No multiplayer features.
Happy Gaming!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
PS3 Wireless Keypad vs. Xbox 360 Messenger kit

Not that they’re really at war but rather to identify the use and feeling of both devices.
I’m a sucker in gaming and since I don’t use them only on playing games. I also use them to communicate people and browsing their sections that requires inputting texts sometimes.
So lets compare the difference:
The look:
I have to go for PS3s’ that has a sleek look and color while Xbox 360s’ looked like a generic and dated design. PS3s’ pad has a slot to recharge while connected to controller has an odd look but seemingly forgivable while Xboxs’ has a slot to plug in its microphone.
The use:
For both, its actually for sending text messages but both has its difference. On Xboxs’ it includes mic while PS3 dose not have mic included and can be bought separately as it called “Bluetooth headset”. A downer for PS3 as it force consumers to buy a separate head set unlike Xboxs’ messenger kit that includes another head set.
The feel:
Now this is the tricky part. I have to start with PS3, it feels softer but the buttons were smaller and it’s a bit hard to reach my fingers by reaching from controller to the keypad. While on 360 I didn’t had any difficulties shifting from controller to the keypad and buttons were bigger enough to feel that you were really pressing those pads.
Final verdict:
Basically it was style vs. comfort use and comfort is really important to me while I’m typing those pads. It really helps whenever you’re on a mission pausing a few seconds to type something to your playmates without losing your grip. Perhaps maybe if Sony could have design it on the lower than the upper side it might work.
How about it guys? What’s your say?
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Dead Space will have Modern Warfare 2 action (as per EA)
When I first heard of this news I got curious of why shifting it from “survival horror” to “action horror”. As I read the article I was shunt down in the dumps. But we’ll see about it soon.
Guys what’s your say?
~Mookie Mookie~
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Console FAQs: PS3 vs Xbox 360

A lot of people knew me as a gamer and by now most of the people will know with all my thanks to social sites like Facebook and Twitter. Whenever I hang out with people, I get some usual questions and enquiries from someone who seek professional consulting. I just hope by posting this in the blog I’d probably save them time to explain.
A few years back two giant companies launched their next-gen consoles to the world and made a revolutionary breakthrough in certain aspects of its own. so here are those common questions to be answered to you all:
Q01: “I’m going to buy a console. What do you think is better, Xbox 360 or PS3?”
A01: It depends on how you use them and what you expect from the console that you use. Both of them are good in different ways so it’s really up to you.
Q02: “What are the features of PS3?”
A02: Let me break it down to you step by step, it’s a Blue Ray player, which is the next media player after long run of “DVD” disc formats, but since you are in KSA you’ll expect that they will only play PAL versions but will not play NTSC Blue Ray media discs what so ever. Now on the games, well they don’t actually have as much games as xbox 360 has but most of their games do look good on your 32” HDTV and a full 1080p. It also has an online network site called PSN (Playstation Network) where you can buy stuffs online for your console like PSN games, your games add-ons, videos, game demos before you buy them in full retail, old school PSOne games (yes there is Final Fantasy 7), facebooking and many more. Some games also have online games where you can play with friends (but basically laggy compare to xbox 360s online interface) but products on PSN dose not come for free so you have to purchase PSN points either via credit card or buy them at retail shops then you can buy stuff at Playstation store at PSN. So PSN comes with the package of console and the best part is creating a username is FREE.
Q03: “I heard that PS3 and Xbox 360 has some exclusive game titles why is that so?”
A03: Actually its more on the marketing talk show than any other possible reasons to explain. But its not bad because its all business between Sony/Microsoft and other 3rd party companies who are trying to sell their products to the world. This basically what makes them special on the long run. Now its up to the consumers weather if they want to play Mass Effect saga, Gears of War saga, Halo saga etc. or follow Uncharted, Resistance, Killzone, God of War etc.
Q04: “What are the features of Xbox 360?”
A04: just like PS3s PSN, it has Xbox Live and to note that they came before PSN since the first xbox console. Xbox live is basically where half of its juicy features are at. First of all Xbox live account is not free and buying stuffs requires MS (Microsoft) Points. Buying stuffs includes your current game add-ons, movies, music videos, demos, game and movie trailers, Xbox Live Arcade Games that includes new titles and remake old school titles like Galaga, Pacman, Dig Dug and many many more. it also has facebook, twitter, Zune for music and Netflix for movies. Online games has its strength and less laggy than PS3. More hardcore games were presented due to overpriced PS3 from few years ago. It also has a 1080p option if you have 32” + HDTV this baby is a kicker just like its opponent. What made it special is the Xbox live world and its satisfying online gameplay, many companies went to the MS’s when they needed to market their goods with either a full retail ones or a DL games (not to mention their old school games and classical xbox titles).
Q05: “You said that you can play with your friends a while ago, how dose that work?”
A05: Both consoles has this and woks pretty similar. You can add friends who you know who has the console or add new friends in your list and play with them whenever they’re online. Voice chatting, typing text is available too and keeps yourself up to date by updating your profile automatically whenever you play, unlock and gain points. That way the people will know what you play and how big you play depending on how much points you currently have. The more points you have, the more people will think you’re a bad-ass gamer on that category. “Reputation” that’s the word.
Q06: “Both consoles sells in different prices, how that is possible?”
A06: Yes, well they sell for a fact on their storage capacity and the rest are minor features. Lets say PS3 has from 40, 80, 160 and 250 gig hard drive, also there are 2 different PS3 console in the market where you can find the 1st big and heavy edition and the new light and slightly small version PS3 Slim. Depending on your taste in storage or style and they come in different prices. Some console has simple add-ons like free selected games and additional hardware like additional USB slots. Xbox 360 has 3 different consoles as well and they are “Arcade” with no HD installed with the budgeted price, “Pro” has 60 gig hard drive and “Elite” where it has 160 gig and some additional slots and features (call it the full option baby) with different prices too.
Q07: “Do you think they can play on “modded”/”copied” games?”
A07: PS3 dose not work on modded games and some hidden organizations are still trying to figure out how but Sony made a good job on updating their firmware and keep itself up to date away from the hackers hands. Xbox 360 on the other hand is already been modded since its time of release but the kicker is once you mod your Xbox 360, you’ll miss the most important factor and its Xbox Live. Like PS3, MS has its way on security and putting users on the black list. Personally playing a modded Xbox 360 game is no different by playing a modded PS2 (back in the days when I used to have modded PS2). However, when I went legit, I felt more secure and satisfied.
Q08: “Now that we heard the good stuffs, what are the disadvantages of each console?”
A08: Let’s start of the Xbox 360, creating an account on Xbox Live cost a money. Regional problems in games PAL/NTSC/NTSCJ are a pain that restricts some games on working on your console. The Red Ring Of Death (RROD) but dose not applied on latest releases anymore. On PS3, Laggy online play, limited old school games, fewer game releases (but its catching up this year… I hope), game regions aren’t really the an issue here but on movie regions it’s a pain (there goes my Dark Knight blue-ray NTSC, I can’t play it on my PAL PS3 “double sigh”!!). For both, some retail games are a little heavy on the pocket for some people which will ask yourself a lot of time weather to buy it or not.
Both console are great and next-gen and has its own features and disadvantages. Its up to the user on which they would like to choose over the other. Like falling in love, you don’t choose it because of their features but more on their worst. Ready to accept on what they are and what they can only give. But I on the other has both!
Cheers people and happy gaming for further comments and questions please do let me know.